Xbox Game Pass İçin Oyunların Listesi Duyuruldu
Xbox Game Pass, 1 Haziran 2017'de Xbox One ve Windows 10 oyuncuları için çıkışını gerçekleştirecek. Aylık üyelik fiyatı 9.99$ olacak olan bu servis, bizlere başlangıçta 14 günlük ücretsiz deneme fırsatı sunacak. Her ay oyun listesine, yeni oyunlar eklenecek ve bazıları da devreden çıkabilecek. Kütüphaneden dilediğiniz oyunu indirip Xbox One veya Windows 10'da oynayabileceksiniz.
Xbox Game Pass Oyun Listesi:
Xbox One
- Blood Bowl 2
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
- D4: Darks Dreams Don't Die
- Defense Grid 2
- Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition
- Electronic Super Joy
- Farming Simulator 15
- Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
- The Golf Club
- Halo 5: Guardians
- Halo: Spartan Assault
- JumpJet Rex
- Knight Squad
- Kyub
- Layers of Fear
- Lumo
- Mad Max
- Massive Chalice
- Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
- Mega Coin Squad
- Mega Man Legacy Collection
- NBA 2K16
- OlliOlli
- Payday 2: Crimewave Edition
- Pumped BMX+
- Resident Evil 0
- Roundabout
- Saints Row IV: Re-elected
- ScreamRide
- Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
- Steredenn
- Strider
- Sunset Overdrive
- Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings
- Super Time Force
- The Swapper
- Terraria
- WWE 2K16
Xbox 360
- A Kingdom for Keflings
- A World of Keflings
- Age of Booty
- Alex Kidd & Co. (Sega Vintage Collection)
- Banjo-Kazooie
- Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
- Banjo-Tooie
- Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2
- BioShock
- BioShock 2
- BioShock Infinite
- Borderlands
- Bound by Flame
- Braid
- Capcom Arcade Cabinet
- CastleStorm
- Comic Jumper
- Comix Zone
- Dark Void
- De Blob 2
- Defense Grid
- Dig Dug
- Double Dragon Neon
- Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
- Fable III
- Final Fight: Double Impact
- Flock
- Galaga Legions DX
- Gears of War
- Gears of War 2
- Gears of War 3
- Gears of War: Judgment
- Golden Axe (Sega Vintage Collection)
- Grid 2
- Hexic 2
- Iron Brigade
- Jetpac Refuelled
- Joe Danger: Special Edition
- Joe Danger 2: The Movie
- Joy Ride Turbo
- Kameo
- King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match
- Lego Batman: The Video Game
- The Maw
- Metal Slug 3
- Monday Night Combat
- Ms. Splosion Man
- MX vs. ATV Reflex
- N+
- Neo Geo Battle Coliseum
- Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
- Pac-Man CE DX+
- Pac-Man Museum
- Perfect Dark Zero
- Sacred 3
- Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space
- Sam & Max: Save The World
- Samurai Shodown II
- SoulCalibur
- SoulCalibur II HD
- Spelunky
- Splosion Man
- Stacking
- Streets of Rage (Sega Vintage Collection)
- Tekken Tag Tournament 2
- Toy Soldiers
- Toy Soldiers: Cold War
- Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown
- Viva Pinata
- Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
- XCOM: Enemy Within